Friday, April 22, 2011

Mom's Night

Isaac's preschool held their annual Mom's night where kiddos could make corsages/hair pieces for their moms, paint their fingernails, shave their legs (yes with real shaving cream and a Popsicle stick!) dance, eat cookies and milk and play games. Isaac had a blast and I think I received the most colorful pedicure of my life!

Although Isaac is blurry, I had to include this one because my fingernails are a beautiful combination of orange and blue!

He wanted to wander through the rock maze afterwards and I couldn't help but try and capture him in the fading light.

He's growing up so quickly! In just a few weeks he'll be 4 years old. That lost faraway look in his eyes reminds me alot of how I feel when I think of all that's happened in these last 4 years. This life truely passes like a dream!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. He's so grown up. And you look lovely. Happy Mother's Day.
