Our primary care physician, Dr Vargas was awarded for his work with kids with DS. The Larsen family, my first contact when we found out Eli's diagnosis, referred him and also presented him the award. He really has been a great doctor, so willing to take the time to address all our concerns and whats more, his knowledge at the clinic has made all the doctors there among some of the best by those parents who have consistantly recommended Cactus Childrens Clinic for their special needs kids.
A shot of all those waiting for the walk. Wish I could have done it with them, next year!
Eli's newest shirt: My extra chromosome makes me extra cute! What I really wanted was one of the Keep Calm It's Only and Extra Chromosome shirt but they didn't have them in his size. Still this is fitting for my little man. With the field so empty Kent let Eli have the freedom in running about as he pleased. I'm glad he did, but it sure wore him out keeping up with him. I barely got this shot of him as is!
While the field was empty, Kent and the kids took the time to enjoy some of the games. This was the first year I've ever seen Eli really participate after watching someone else try. He seemed to really enjoy it and so good for his social development. Anything with a ball or some water was a winner for him!
It was unusually hot and humid so we hung around the water getting iced down literally on and off. Isaac recieved full permission to spray us with his newly won prize.
It was such a fun morning for our whole family! Extra sciatic pain and contractions can't take these memories from me. I'm so glad we could celebrate our little professor and our family and all it's adventures!
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