Later that evening we drove out to Mesa to spend time with Kent's siblings. Isaac had been dying to go the moment he woke up that day but was rather discouraged given all the excitement about Keila. When we finally took off it was with a great deal of disbelief, "NOW are we going?!!! Finally!" He had a blast playing with his cousins and eating Christmas goodies. A special visitor came later and Isaac was more than eager.
Christmas morning gave us another good medical scare. We had church at 9 am and had informed the kiddos we wouldn't do any presents until they were dressed and ready. Unfortunately for me, I had a Braxton and Hicks contraction that would not let up. About half and hour in I began have extremely sharp pains that would come and go in 5-6 minute intervals. Since everybody that we knew that could be of help was at church or would be there in the next 5 minutes headed out. Kent was able to leave the kids with the Bakers while I got a blessing and rested. Things calmed down enough so that I could enjoy the Christmas program. We were extremely grateful, this is one present we want to remain wrapped for several weeks longer. A visit with the doctor 2 days later confirmed there was no damage, but it's become rather apparent that old age is taking it's toll and I need to rest up a little more.
I really enjoyed having church first before the craze of unwrapping presents. If I could have it my way, Christmas would always be on a Sunday. We kept the perspective of Christ's birth first and foremost in our minds and it made the day calmer and more meaningful in every aspect.
The kids came home and hopped into PJs before attacking the gifts under the tree. The big gift this year was the dress up treasure box which I had prepped just after Halloween. Keila was thrilled beyond measure with her princess dress, shoes and accessories. As soon as she unwrapped it she stripped down to try out all her new clothes. She was also thrilled with her very own turtle. Ever since she's been in the preschool playroom, she's become rather attached to 2 plastic turtles. Heaven help the child that dares to touch them because they get a firm rebuttal, "Don't EVER, EVER touch turtle!" This one is much more pleasant to cuddle and we hope it softens her a little towards her classmates.
Keila was thrilled with a marshmallow Hello Kitty pop and wouldn't put it down until ..
Isaac began opening up the presents for the dress up box.
What could a girl do when she had a new dress, shoes and accessories, but abandon the lollipop and don all things beautiful!
Isaac favorite was definitely the Lego set he got the night before from Santa. He said it was "a dream come true" and within minutes was building all sorts of wonderful things. It was even more thrilling when he discovered the instructions for building the cars/helicopter, etc. It was rather touching for me to see him and Kent with heads bend working together to make each vehicle. It was definitely a male bonding moment!
If the excitement ended there, then the holiday would have missed one of the best parts. First thing the next day I drove out with the kiddos to pick up Uncle Joe and Aunt Becky from the airport. It was heaven and their presence was the very best gift Isaac could receive. He was never without a playmate or companion and if it was a small as watching an episode of the Backyardigans, to playing pirates in his bedroom, they were always there for him. When it came time to send them back to Connecticut, Isaac cried on and off for over an hour. Small things would trigger the reminder of the loss (like seeing his room empty of their possessions) and his eyes would well up and he'd begin to sob with "Uncle Joe and Aunt Becky" being the only coherent words for the next 5 minutes. We just hope that they had as much fun as we did. We sure do appreciate their annual visit.
Kent took the Friday and Monday off around New years and we attended a pint sized New Year party at Imagination Ave, complete with a balloon drop at noon and bubbly Martinelli's.
Keila was in her element as her current favorite princess - Snow White. She looked the part and knew it and demanded pictures and admiration from one and all ....
and especially herself. I don't know where she got it from, but most of the first hour was spent twirling and admiring herself in the mirror!
Isaac built
and built (does this not remind you of something from Dracula?)
and built!
Kent was well examined in the hospital. Of course their favorite areas to poke at was his head and he couldn't help but ask what kind of a doctor they were and where did they train.
One last ride for the princess from her personal chauffeur!
Later that evening we went to our neighbours for our potluck soup and bread dinner. The kids had a blast with sparklers, sugar, bouncing on the Erickson's trampoline and running amok in general. We ended the holiday bash by cleaning up the Christmas decor (during which many tears were shed) and a morning visit to the McCormick Train Park and lunch out.
Isaac enjoyed watching the little model trains running overhead. I think I counted 4 times where I saw him biff it since the floor was so slick and he kept chasing them!
It truly has been a wonderful holiday for all of us, we've been grateful for all the blessings of 2011 and look forward to the adventures that 2012 will bring. Happy New Year one and all!