While his report lists many of his achievements these last few months (letter and number recognition, sequencing, sorting, etc) my favorite paragraph is this:
"Isaac is a sweet young boy! I have enjoyed having him in my class this year. I love that smile of his! It has been so rewarding to watch him experience something new and to see the excitement on his face. He is a very bright young boy! Thank you for sharing him with me!" So this here's to the other teachers and adults in our life that help to teach my son, that take time to acknowledge my work and love while giving encouragement to continue on.
I love that he initiates play with Keila now and she adores him for it.
I love this shot, it was at the Children's Museum here and right when the scarves are shot out, they are giggling their heads off and rushing to catch them. It was miracle no one bumped heads!
And last but certainly not least, this post is for my angel heart Isaac boy! Thanks for being you and a part of my life I could never do without!
great job to Issac and you!