The final preggie picture of me at 3 in the morning just before the induction. I can't believe how big my belly is! Things went fast and I was dilated to a 10 before they had fully finished the epidural. She came out at 7lbs 11 ounces and nearly 21 inches long - my biggest baby! Obviously the nausea due to pain in the last trimester didn't hurt her one bit!
I could always tell she was a strong one, even when she was in the womb. Her cry reflected it too.
Our little pumpkin has finally arrived! Clearly she is adored in all the following pictures.
I still can't believe we are a family of six now!
The first smile captured on camera!
Our little button just a few weeks old. She's debuting her very first outfit for church, one that big sister Keila carefully selected for her much adored baby sister.
We are so thrilled to have her here! While it is nothing of what we had pictured for ourselves a year ago, we wouldn't change it for anything! Welcome to our crazy wonderful life Leora!
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