I don't know if any of you have noticed, but it seems this year that I'm less likely to hear people say Merry Christmas. If I should say it to the cashier as I'm leaving I get a rather pointed, "Happy Holidays!" as if I've committed a rather huge faux pas in what I say. Granted it is a time of many different holidays for many differing cultures, but when did my wishing someone joy for a day that is significant to me because of my Savior's birth become offensive? It saddens me that some find offense where none is intended.
The other major thought that's been cycling through my brain is how bipolar this season seems to be. It's the 'most wonderful time of the year' and yet I see so often that it is the most difficult. For whatever reasons, at this time of year the things that are lacking or have been lost (loved ones, jobs, etc) seem even more poignant. Outwardly some plaster on a happy face but silently weep inside. It has made me particularly grateful for the birth of my Savior. While not all is fair and things we lack leave a keen sting I know that there is healing through Him who gave his life for us - healing now and in the life after. So that is the reason I smile, it is the quiet pillar that makes all of life, not just this time of year, joyously peaceful.
So here's to wishing all you a Merry Christmas. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing or struggling with or enjoying, I pray that this season is filled with the simple but great blessings of love and peace.
Here we are doing our yearly ornament crafts. Even Keila is getting into the spirit of things!
Finished products for Isaac's friends at school. Reindeer, button wreaths and candy canes!
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