Sunday, October 2, 2016

My Joy and Treasure

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month so it was fitting that I saw this video today.  It was filmed at the Gigi's Playhouse in Phoenix and features a few people I've come to know and love.  It has a beautiful message.

I found this old treasure on my phone and couldn't resist posting it.  He is absolutely darling and to this day finds ice cream irresistible.

Could you imagine ever missing this?!  And yet the first recommendation given by most Obgyn on a diagnosis of Down Syndrome is abortion.  I had offered my Obgyn to be a resource when giving the diagnosis of Down Syndrome so that so many others might know there is another way, a beautiful way that so many of us treasure.  I have yet to be taken up on this offer but with a large medical school near us and my husband working in a hospital I hope this will change in time.  All life is valuable, no matter how long or short it is.  It is my privilege and joy to have this little man in my life and I wouldn't change it for the world!

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