Friday, September 12, 2008


The storm is set to hit tonight or early tom morrow morning. Kent and I have the mixed blessing of not having cable to watch the news. It's a different thing in the weight room with two massive flat screen TVs. Pictures from the coastal areas look bad, especially since flooding has reached such high levels and the storm is still 12 hours away. I think I'm better off not seeing it, after all, we've done all we could.

We're trying to keep some semblance of normalcy so we took Isaac to the park this morning. Strange, the sky is still blue, getting cloudy, but aside from the fact stores are closed and houses boarded up, everything seems pretty normal. I met a girlfriend in the park with her son, it was busy. Everyone has the same idea of getting out while we can and enjoying the freedom of it. Isaac had a blast with the rocks and twigs. He just loves seeing other little people. Kent's catching up on his reading for work and this afternoon I'm finishing off cooking what needs to be cooked and I'll freeze it. Hopefully with everything we've got, we won't need the 72hour kits.

It's funny to me the responses I'm seeing. Some people are stressed, calling everyone and their dog, others are taking it like it's a party. I ran out last night to grab some more children's Tylenol and overheard a conversation of a man with several packs of beer. I guess they've been through ones just as bad, so they pull out the food, water and beer and settle down to the longest card game using food as 'money' to bet. ;0) We're feeling pretty good, the outing this morning helped and in talking with a few of our neighbors, we don't feel so alone anymore. We've got a few things left to do this afternoon (taping windows, cleaning and filling the tub and sinks, moving furniture) and we should be good by this evening. Thanks for all the emails that you guys have sent ... we're even hearing from people we haven't heard from in years!!! Is this what it takes to get you to keep in touch?!! ;0) J/K Love you all!

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