Saturday, April 25, 2009

Markers of Growth

Just last week Kent felt our little girl move. It was subtle, but he knew what he was looking for this time. She's an active little one and seems to start kicking when Isaac is sitting on my lap and pushing up against the belly. Is this a sign of things to come?

Isaac is also doing well. We only 'intensely' toilet train for about 2 hours before lunch (from the time of consuming juice like its going out of style to the 'critical release') and he will successfully go twice and the last time with no accidents. After a nap, he's able to go easily and I'm hoping this will translate into greater confidence. It's a bit of work, but when I think of the diapers saved, I'm happy.

Incidentally, is it a bit undignified to be blogging this for the world to see? I can just picture the day he comes home with a fiancee and he groans while we laugh at these old posts of him. It's as good as the naked bath pictures all kids have!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, yes, but can you put posts in a wedding slideshow? :-) I believe Kyle's cousin had baby bath pics in her rehearsal dinner slideshow (inserted by her mom, of course).
